Directorate General of Vocational Services

Directorate General of Vocational Services


a) To make arrangements for architectural, engineering, contracting and consultancy services for settlement and construction, as well as auditing and monitoring the practices accordingly.

b) To determine and implement the general principles, strategies and standards regarding all kinds of structures belonging to real persons and private legal entities.

c) To identify the principles regarding the responsibilities and the process of record-keeping for real or legal persons working in service areas such as planning, mapping, land and land arrangement, appraisal, parceling, survey and project authorship, map plan, project and construction control consultancy, construction contracting including all kinds of infrastructure and installations; to evaluate the professional competencies and establishment competencies of the same; to grant them with registration and qualification certificates, ensuring that the records regarding these documents/certificates are kept accordingly.

ç) To determine the procedures, principles and standards regarding the design and construction in planned and unplanned areas, and the arrangement of building construction and usage permits based on the national address database

d) To determine the procedures and principles regarding the qualifications and professional competencies of the experts who will take part in planning, project design, construction and expropriation works and procedures.

e) To ensure the product safety for building materials placed on the market within the scope of the main legislation harmonized with the and the "European Union Construction Products Regulation (CPR)" and pursuant to the "Law no.: 4703 on the Preparation and Application of Technical Legislation on Products"

f) To perform the duties assigned to the Ministry pursuant to the Law No. 4708 with regards to Building Inspection.

g) To take the necessary measures to encourage the use of local materials in local architecture and buildings; to ensure the energy efficiency in buildings, and to use and enwiden the use of advanced construction technologies.

ğ) To inspect architects and engineers and auxiliary control personnel who are involved in the inspection of all kinds of buildings of the public institutions and organizations, real persons and private law legal entities; to ensure that these are subjected to audits by the relevant administrations and inspection and consultancy organizations.

h) To ensure that the activities of worksite chiefs, scientists and master builders that are granted with a certificate of authorization accordingly, who take part in construction works, are subjected to audits by the relevant administrations or professional organizations.

ı) To determine the principles regarding the qualifications, duties, powers and responsibilities of architects and engineers, auxiliary control personnel, building inspection institutions and consultancy organizations, who will take part in auditing the projects and construction works of all kinds of public and private buildings and facilities; to evaluate the professional competencies and establishment competencies of the same and to ensure that they are granted with relevant certificates and that the records are kept accordingly.

i) To draw up and audit the legislation on architectural and engineering professional organizations in relation to the matters falling within the scope of duties of the Ministry.

j) To determine the principles regarding the qualifications, duties, powers and responsibilities of those involved in environmental management, environmental auditing and environmental impact assessment works and procedures; to evaluate the professional and institutional competencies of the same, and to grant them with the relevant certificates, as well as keeping records of such procedures accordingly.

k) To train the personnel who will take part in the preparation of environmental impact assessment reports, environmental laboratories, environmental consultancy companies and the projects and operation of environmental protection facilities of municipalities, as well as improving the project and facility criteria and professional competence of the same.

l) To work on the identification of housing policies, to ensure the implementation of the relevant processes according to the determined policies, plans and strategies, along with the follow-up of the results accordingly.

m) To carry out the works and procedures regarding the establishment, functioning and auditing of building cooperatives and senior unions; to ensure that establishment records and registers are kept accordingly, and to audit the application of the same.

n) To fulfill other similar duties assigned by the Minister.